Archive for March, 2012

Jennifer Lawrence dazzles

Once Jennifer experienced attempted and attempted every one while using wigs and chosen her favorite shade, the group happen to be permitted one unique go at dying her frizzy hair to stop her frizzy hair developing to be damaged by repeat dye jobs.

“It created Jennifer at reduce to uncover that individuals weren’t planning to experiment with her colour”.

The result, even however not fundamentally the most shocking transformation within movie (for that, see Elizabeth Bank’s pink ‘do and terrifying make-up), we need to admit that Jennifer’s diva work do pay out dividends. The 21-year-old Oscar nominated actress persists to be bringing in praise for her usefulness within movie franchise adaptation of Suznne Collins’ trilogy of books about a sixteen-year-old gal residing in the post-apocalyptic world who’s chosen by lottery to compete in the televised fight by which only one unique man can survive.

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